


The transfers classes describe how utilities can be moved between two sides of a market.

Implicit Parameterization

Systematic utilities are in a feasible set $(U_{xy},V_{xy}) \in \mathcal{F}_{xy}$. We can represent the feasible set $\mathcal{F}_{xy}$ by means of a function $\Psi$, defined as $$\Psi_{xy} (u,v) = \min \left\{ t \in \mathbb{R} : (u - t, v - t) \in \mathcal{F}_{xy} \right\}$$ where $\Phi = \alpha + \gamma$.

Explicit Parameterization

As an alternative to the implicit parameterization, we can define the efficient frontier of $\mathcal{F}_{xy}$ by $u = \mathcal{U}_{xy} (w)$ and $v = \mathcal{V}_{xy} (w)$, which are increasing and decreasing in $w$, respectively, where $u$ and $v$ solve $$\Psi_{xy} (u,v) = 0$$ where $$u - v = w$$ In many cases, $\mathcal{U}$ and $\mathcal{V}$ have simple expressions: